Diagnosed with Sleep Apnea… now what?
After completing a diagnostic sleep study such as a PolySomnoGraphy (PSG), a Board Certified Sleep Specialist will determine a diagnosis of Sleep Apnea. The doctor or sleep specialist will then discuss different treatment options with the patient.
The most common device that people use for the treatment of Sleep Apnea is a CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) machine. The CPAP machines’ pressure setting is almost always determined by the AHI (Apnea-Hypopnea Index), specifically found in the PSG study.
It is important that the patient knows their AHI as well as if any other sleep-related diagnoses were found during the test. In addition, it is important the patient completely understands what type of Sleep Apnea they have. Knowing this information will help the patient make the best decision about treatment going forward.
If the decision is made that CPAP treatment is right for the patient, a follow-up sleep study called a CPAP Titration may be ordered. In other words, the CPAP Titration will determine the appropriate initial settings for the CPAP. An Auto-Titrating CPAP may also be ordered to accomplish this over time since the device is used at home.
In many cases, the doctor will refer the patient to a CPAP equipment provider.
Make sure to research Quality DME, Inc., before making any final decisions on who to work with. Whatever CPAP provider the patient chooses, they will need to communicate that decision to their doctor. When the decision is communicated, the doctor can prepare a prescription for the CPAP machine and supplies.
If the decision is made to change CPAP providers in the future, an updated prescription for the new provider may be necessary. The doctor and CPAP provider will then work together to oversee the patient’s progress with CPAP Therapy, long-term.
Keeping up with your health
After receiving the CPAP machine, it is important to schedule follow up visits. These visits would be with either the doctor or a sleep specialist after the first 30-90 days of using the CPAP. With the clinical support from the CPAP provider, the doctor will be able to monitor CPAP usage and recommend any adjustments to the settings of the CPAP and supplies. Furthermore, annual follow-up visits are highly recommended.
Lastly, the patient should keep a copy of all test results and consultation notes from the doctor. It is important to have copies of medical records in case a patient needs to change healthcare providers in the future.
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