Most people don’t think about CPAP Humidification when they get their CPAP Machine
It is important for those who do use CPAP therapy to have an understanding of how and why it is necessary to use Humidification. The CPAP Humidifiers are used to moisten the air that is brought in through the CPAP. It is typically designed to be a detachable portion of the machine.
Two Main Types:
- Passive — Cold Water
- Heated — Most Popular With Patients
Without the CPAP Humidifier, you run the risk of your airway losing moisture and exhibiting symptoms.
Some symptoms may include:
- Dry Nose
- Dry Throat
- Headache
- Chest Discomfort
- Bleeding Nose
- Dry Cracked Lips
There is no rule saying you have to use your Humidifier, nobody is going to force you
There are many CPAP users that decide they do not need to use the Humidifier. However, you may discover that there are certain times of the year or certain environments when you want to use it and other times when you feel you don’t need it. Ultimately, it’s up to you.
You should speak with your sleep specialist about what you feel is right for you. You should also check to see what model CPAP Machine you have and what your options are for the Humidifier.
Take a look at ResMed’s FAQs on Humidification settings to answer any questions you may have about your Humidifier.
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