Don’t Let Allergies Ruin Your Fall Fun This Year!
As the weather starts to cool and the leaves start to turn, you may notice your allergies starting to act up. WebMD states that ragweed is the biggest allergy trigger in the fall. Ragweed pollen can travel for hundreds of miles with the wind so you can be affected by it even if it doesn’t grow where you live. Mold and dust mites are other big fall allergy triggers. Piles of damp leaves tend to be a breeding ground for mold, while dust mites may spread when turning on your heat for the first time in a while.
Symptoms and Relief
Not sure if you suffer from seasonal allergies? According to Zyrtec the symptoms of fall allergies include, but are not limited to:
- Itchy Nose and Eyes
- Runny Nose
- Watery Eyes
- Sneezing
If you want to avoid taking allergy medications you can try to make some small changes in your home and with your daily habits to avoid fall allergy symptoms from coming on. Stay indoors and keep your windows closed during pollen peak times, which is the late morning until midday. Check the pollen count by checking your local fall allergy reports online to see how you will be affected daily. Keep the air clean by vacuuming frequently and changing your air filters at the start of the fall season.
How to Conquer Those Allergies
Healthline writes about ways to avoid ragweed, mold, and dust mites specifically:
- Ragweed – Keep track of your local pollen count online. After being outside, when coming back inside, make sure to take off your shoes and jacket before entering your home to avoid tracking in pollen.
- Mold – Rake your yard of the fall leaves and remove the leaves from the gutters to avoid a mold build-up.
- Dust Mites – Clean your air vents before turning the heat on for the season. Regularly wash your bedding in hot water. Dust and vacuum your home and be sure to wear a filtering mask while cleaning to avoid breathing in any of the dust.
The Mayo Clinic discusses natural remedies used to treat allergy symptoms in the past, such as acupuncture and rinsing your nasal passages with saline solution. To rinse, you can use a squeeze bottle or a neti pot to flush out the mucus and allergens in your nose. If you want to know exactly how to use a neti pot to clear your sinuses, check out this video from Ashley’s Conscious Life:
If you suffer from severe seasonal allergies and you need medication to help control them, be sure to talk to your healthcare provider about what medicine could be right for you. Many types of nonprescription remedies can help ease your allergy symptoms, but it’s always good to double-check with a physician before taking anything.
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