Have an attitude of gratitude
Many people have difficulty getting a full and quality night’s sleep regularly, leading to a slew of health issues. If you can snooze for 7-9 hours per night on your own, you are luckier than you realize. There are so many amazing health benefits that come along with proper sleep. It not only makes you healthier physically but does wonders for your mental health as well. When considering what you should be thankful for this holiday season, be sure that quality sleep is at the top of your list!
Gratefulness can actually help sleep
Thankful thoughts are not only good for the soul but also for sleep. A study highlighted in Psychology Today found that writing in a gratitude journal for 15 minutes every evening helped students worry less at bedtime and sleep longer afterward. Try not only to focus on gratitude during Thanksgiving but also make it a habit all year long and enjoy the sleep benefits accompanying it.
Focusing on gratitude and getting more sleep can help your mental health. Mental health problems can disrupt sleep, and a lack of sleep can affect mental health. The Sleep Foundation discusses how it’s important to receive proper care for your mental health. Receiving care will help you rule out any underlying conditions causing problems such as sleep apnea and help you get the most optimal sleep. Proper sleep can help with memory, reduce depression and anxiety, and much more.
Appreciate your health
A night of quality sleep will have you feeling refreshed and alert when waking up in the morning. Just like sleep deficiency can cause issues with mental health, the same goes for your physical health. An endless number of issues can arise from not prioritizing your sleep. It may sound funny, but beauty sleep is a real thing. The more well-rested you are, the better you feel and look. A lack of sleep also increases your chances of gaining weight. The Sleep Foundation writes that sleep loss creates a hormone imbalance that promotes overeating and weight gain. Those who are overweight are at an increased risk for diseases such as sleep apnea, asthma, and Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).
According to The University of Michigan School of Public Health, sleep is essential to every process in the body. It touches every aspect of our health. Sleep is especially important to young children as their bodies and minds develop. It helps with their memory and learning skills as they progress. Create a sleep schedule to stay on top of your family’s sleep each night. Having a solid bedtime routine can help everyone stay on track.
What are you thankful for?
There are so many people out there who suffer from disorders like insomnia and chronic pain, which make it hard to fall and stay asleep. Other people need heavy sleep medications or treatments to help them get some sleep each night. Be grateful for the zzzs you get each night. Getting your beauty sleep helps your body build up your immune system and keeps you feeling and looking your best. Making a sleep schedule to help you prioritize your sleep will be more beneficial than you realize. Add a gratitude journal to your bedtime routine to continue being grateful all year long. The next time you have to go around the table and say what you’re thankful for, think about adding sleep!
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