There are various different tests you can get done to determine if you have Sleep Apnea
The two most common tests:
Polysomnogram (PSG) – This is a multiple-component test that records specific physical activities while you sleep. It is done in the lab overnight at a sleep center. You will sleep with sensors hooked up to different parts of your body so they can see the severity of your Sleep Apnea. This option is usually more expensive, but it gives the doctor the most detailed information about your sleep.
Home Sleep Test (HST) – These are more simplified tests. You are in the comfort of your own home using portable equipment. They mostly measure the same things that the PSG does, but the data is not as detailed. This test is less expensive and is becoming more popular with patients. Keep in mind, that if the results of this test come back inconclusive, your doctor might still recommend you get a PSG.
You will want to talk to your doctor about which test you feel the most comfortable with. They will help you decide what the best option is for you.
Some less common tests include:
Electroencephalogram – Measures and records brain activity.
Electromyogram – Measures and records muscle activity.
Electro-oculogram – Measures and records eye movements.
Electrocardiogram – Measures and records heart rate and rhythm.
Nasal airflow sensor – Measures and records airflow.
The cost of diagnosing and treating Sleep Apnea is pretty expensive, especially if PAP therapy ends up being prescribed. This may make you think of delaying action, but keep in mind that the consequences of untreated Sleep Apnea could be very dangerous and even more costly in the end.
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