Finding the Perfect Fit

The Importance of a Proper Mask FitStarting CPAP therapy can be a daunting experience, and it's not uncommon to have issues with your mask fit. If your mask is not fitting comfortably, promptly addressing why is essential to ensure you get the most out of your therapy.Some indicators of a … Read more about Finding the Perfect Fit

Be Grateful for Sleep

Have an attitude of gratitude Many people have difficulty getting a full and quality night's sleep regularly, leading to a slew of health issues. If you can snooze for 7-9 hours per night on your own, you are luckier than you realize. There are so many amazing health benefits that come … Read more about Be Grateful for Sleep

Stress & Sleep

Understanding StressEveryone gets stressed out, and everyone sleeps, but did you know there is a strong relationship between the two? Stress can directly affect the amount of sleep you get and vice versa. The Sleep Foundation states that stress falls into 3 … Read more about Stress & Sleep